FCPX Chapter Marker Converter
Convert Chapter Markers in your FCPX project to Timestamps usable in Youtube description.
What is this?
In FCPX you can add chapter markers to mark the start of each chapter. These chapter markers are handy to use when marking chapters for Youtube videos.
However there is no easy way to get the chapter markers to Youtube chapters without manually typing them out. Well not until now!
Using this application you can convert the chapter markers to a Youtube compatible timestamps.
Note: This application is in Beta which means that there might be some unexpected problems / bugs. If you run into a bug or otherwise would like to give feedback, you can reach me on Twitter. I would love to hear from you!
How does it work?
This app uses an XML file exported from FCPX to get the chapter marker information and convert it to Youtube compatible timestamps that you can then copy/paste to your video description.
1. Make sure your project is selected, go to File -> Export XML
2. Browser where you want to save the exported xml file. Make sure you are saving .fcpxml file type! After you have named your file, click Save.
3. Click the button in the top of this page and browse to the XML file you exported from FCPX and select it. The timestamps will be displayed after that.